Members, Rating & Tips


All users are permitted to publish 5 articles every 24 hours.

Write a few good sentences in your profile bio, something about yourself or why you're here (only logged in members can read your bio).

Upload a profile picture! Readers like to see the faces of authors, it's a lot more personable.

Rating system..

Our rating system is based on stars, everyone can vote on your article. if you have 2 stars or less, the article will become private and only logged in members can read it. If your article has 3 stars or more, it will become public! This is calculated on an average score. You cannot rate your own content.


Make it original..

Structure ProblemMust have proper English, which Includes proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and sentence structure.

Article Duplicates The content must be original and not be a duplicate - do not submit identical content to different websites!

Mature Content Must not contain or provide links to sites that contain Adult Material or to Mature Sites.

If you think of any suggestions or ways to improve our site, please contact us.