Aluminium, thimerosal (heavy metal) and food based oil adjuvants.

This article will show the dangers of adjuvants in vaccines. 

It will show that the ingredients included in vaccines as adjuvantst open the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) to allow other vaccine ingredients and toxins within the person’s body at the time to enter the central nervous system.

It will show a link between food protein adjuvants and the rise of food allergies experienced by the general public during recent times.

It will show a link between heavy metal body burden and neurodegenerative diseases. It will show that thimerosal is a mercury based product that has a long history for causing neurological damage and that eventhough the authorities have bowed to public demand to remove it from neonatal vaccines the dangers of injecting thimerosal is never acknowledged in spite of mountains of scientific evidence showing a firm link.

It will show that aluminium is also a neurotoxin and that it also causes neurological damage. It will use the understanding that comes from kidney dialysis patients who are not able to eliminate aluminium from their bodies because of compromised kidney function. These patients often suffer from an illness called dialysis encephalopathy which results in dementia, speech alterations, myoclonias, asterixis, convulsions and death. 

It will show that the amount of aluminium in vaccines should not be considered as miniscule and that it represents an acute dose and the toxic effect can last up to 12 months. It will show evidence of functional change that stems from mitochondrial dysfunction caused by aluminium toxicity and that this functional change is exhibited by degenerative behaviour changes that stem from neurological damage.

It will show that vaccines present a real danger and that they should not be considered as a simple medical procedure without consequence.


Adjuvants are described as being immunological agents that potentiate the effects of other agents. They are poisons when injected by vaccine and are used to illicit an immune response from the recipient to the antigen. If adjuvants were not included in vaccines, the immune response to an injected antigen would not be sufficient for the recipient to have a sensitising immune response that readies the body to mount a full blown immune response to the next exposure of that same antigen. 


Many substances are used as adjuvants, all of them are poisons when injected. Heavy metals and food proteins are dangerous to health but the vaccines also include Polysorbate 80. It is included as an emulsifier but it is also known to assist nanoparticles to cross the Blood Brain Barrier(1). Therefore, the inclusion of polysorbate 80 allows the vaccine ingredients to cross the BBB, this understating is supported by many science studies(2, 3, 4, 5, 6.). We now know that vaccine ingredients have the ability to cross the BBB. 


The injection of proteins (food, animal or plant) into a person causes a sensitising event(7) that elicits an immune response the next time the body is exposed to that protein. Nobel Laureate Charles Richet demonstrated this understanding of how allergies work over one hundred years ago. The inclusion of food proteins in vaccines has been a long standing practice and has included many types of food, in particular, eggs(8)peanut(9)coconut(10)squalene fish oil(11)casein dairy protein(12)gelatin protein from cattle, chicken, pigs, and fish(13)soy(14)agar from algae(15) and many other proteins. It is firmly recognised that food allergies were not common before 1980s and that from 1990 the food allergy rate has risen dramatically with the highest rise being in the under 4 year olds(32). This is highly irregular because the under 4s generally have their food controlled by the parent and are not subjected to exotic foods because it is understood by parents that babies need to be weaned onto a normal diet slowly. The rise in infant allergies and the inclusion of those allergens in vaccines is too much of a coincidence for there not to be a causal link and this is(7). The confirmation that these proteins are in the vaccines in large enough amount to elicit these reactions can also be confirmed by the adverse vaccine reactions in people with known food allergies(3334,35, 3637).


The long understanding of the mechanism of food allergies from injecting proteins has encouraged vaccine manufacturers to use heavy metals. First thimerosal and now aluminium is favoured in modern vaccines. The dangers of injecting thimerosal are impossible to deny, although the manufacturers and the controlling bodies do their best to stave off public concerns, there can be no support for the safety of injecting mercury(16), no matter how small the amount is(17).


Mercury in the form of thimerosal was first used, even though it was commonly accepted as being nothing more than a poison. Mercury has a long history of understanding its neurological effects from its use in the hat making industry of the 1800s which is where the term “mad as a hatter” comes from. It is recognised by all avenues of science as being extremely dangerous and damaging to health and has no place or use within the human body. It is a neurological disrupter that causes dementia like symptoms and death(1819). The CDC have recently advised vaccine manufacturers to remove thimerosal from neonatal vaccinations even though they do not accept any connection for a danger to health. This stance to public health borders on insanity. There are many studies linking autism to the dynamics of the individual child’s natural ability to excrete thimerosal, the role of testosterone in raising the risk for boys over girls, and this risk was again raised if the Mother had Rhesus negative blood type(3940, 41, 4243, 44, 45, 46, 47).   


Aluminium was the next to be used and is still the favoured adjuvant of manufacturers and is used in many vaccines today. Although aluminium is the most abundant metal on the planet it is locked in compound with other minerals and not available to the human body without man’s intervention of preparing it first. Only aluminium that has been processed or prepared can enter the human body(25). There is no requirement to show that aluminium adjuvants are safe and it is recommended by the science community that placebos used in experiments should not contain aluminium because it is known to cause an immune response at the vaccine site that involves neutrophils that can destroy good tissue in error and propagate an inflammation cascade(26).


The dangers of aluminium and the effects it has on the body can be best understood by examining patients with renal failure or patients undergoing kidney dialysis. Kidney dialysis patients, with compromised kidney function, who were dying from dialysis encephalopathy(20) were found to have significantly higher aluminium levels in their body because aluminium is excreted naturally via the kidney in urine(21). Dialysis dementia is a unique neurological disease associated with long term dialysis and is understood to originate from aluminium poisoning(22). The connection between aluminium body burden and dementia has been long understood and documented many times in science papers. 


Aluminium connection to epilepsy was also noted after the 1988 Camelford disaster when the water system was accidentally contaminated with aluminium which resulted in at least one man’s death from epilepsy caused by aluminium toxicity. His brain was examined and large amounts of aluminium were found in his hippocampus and occipital lobe. The hippocampus is responsible for motivation, emotion, learning, the occipital lobe is responsible for visual processing. Hippocampus dysfunction is linked to epilepsy and it is known that stress is a precursor to an epileptic seizure because stress hormones affect hippocampus function(27).


It is suggested by some that the amount of aluminium in vaccines is minuscule but this is not true, it represents an acute exposure, the Infanrix hexa vaccine contains 0.82 mg of aluminium per 0.5 mL but that is actually 8 mg of aluminium salt which is ten times the weight of all the other ingredients combined(28). After a vaccination the aluminium can remain within body cells at the injection site for up to 12 months. The aluminium is finally engulfed by white blood cells (macrophages) that remain viable for up to seven days and are therefore able to translocated the aluminium to other parts of the body(30).


The mechanism for this change in function is also understood by science and involves the dysfunction of mitochondria. Mitochondria are present in many numbers in every cell of the body and supply each cell with its energy by completing the last phase of food metabolism that is known as the Krebs cycle. Although it is the last phase, it is where the vast majority of energy from food is synthesised for the body. 


Mitochondria dysfunction was studied and kidney dialysis encephalopathy was cited as proof that aluminium causes a syndrome that results in dementia, speech alterations, myocloniasasterixis and convulsions. The study notes that aluminium salts (as used in vaccines) are metabolised into strong acids and form colloidal particles as they age that affect the glial cells, whose job it is to support the brain neurones. It was also noted that while aluminium is secreted by the kidneys and bile pathways it caused liver tissue damage from oxidative stress. It is confirmed in separate studies that oxidative stress can cause neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s as well as other diseases of the body. The study concludes by explaining the role of aluminium in causing neurological disease has been documented for many years from many different avenues of science even though it is unknown why it affects some people more dramatically than others(23).


This dysfunction from oxidative damage to the mitochondrial DNA, in turn, produces reactive oxygen species that results in a reduction of “oxidative phosphorylation leading to cell damage and death”. The understanding of this is “an important step in the mechanisms underlying aluminium induced neuronal cell death”. This mechanism is thought to be the trigger for many neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s, dementia and autism(24).


The increase rate of autism was further examined to determine that it was real and not due to better modern diagnosis techniques. These autism rates were then cross-referenced with exposure to environmental factors. Thimerosal in vaccines was first considered as the culprit but it was noted that the burden of thimerosal decreased as it was removed from neonatal vaccines during the time span examined. In fact, it was found that most environmental toxins decreased because of better awareness and controls put on polluting industries and practices. The only environmental toxins that correlated with the increasing rate of autism was glyphosate, GMOs and Aluminium in vaccines. It was further noted that an increased burden from aluminium adjuvants had occurred because it has taken the place of thimerosal and that recent studies had identified the mechanism of action for aluminium induced neuroimmune disorders. It was also noted that a large heavy metal burden comes from the neonatal Hepatitis B vaccine that has been linked epidemiologically to increased autism risk. Noted also, was the fact that unborn babies were exposed to an increased burden of thimerosal by vaccines that are administered to expectant mothers and this could be an additional heavy metal burden responsible for the continued rise in autism rates after the mercury burden from neonatal vaccines was lowered(29). The rise in autism was also noted by vets after vaccination of pet animals(38).


A 2017 review of past literature used approximately 250 science references to confirm a well-established link between aluminium uptake and neurological dysfunction. It explains the difficulties in detecting aluminium at the level that is inside cells but identified one method using specialised X-Ray techniques as being successful.
It reported many animal studies had found exposure to aluminium caused Alzheimer Disease (AD) and Alzheimer-like diseases, reduced antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes, a restriction in the blood vessel size and death of hippocampal and cerebral cortical neurones, while also causing amyloid plaque build-ups in the brain and nerve fibre shielding depletion.
This review cites human studies confirming “specific aluminium-related abnormalities in the brains of AD patients” and “demonstrated that ferritin in plasma from AD patients, particularly those with mild AD, contains significantly higher concentrations of aluminium compared with plasma ferritin from age- and sex-matched controls”, and explained that this was significant because ferritin is responsible for moving metals through the blood. It was also noted that aluminium had been implemented in breast cancer because of its action at disrupting the usual job of ferritin in transporting iron for oxygen use.
It was also explained that a biochemical mechanism exists in the walls of the blood vessels supplying the brain which enable the binding of aluminium to selected areas, such as the hippocampus, known to play a major role in the pathogenesis of AD.
This review identifies an “accumulating body of evidence suggesting that aluminium in adjuvant form may provoke systematic and symptomatic autoimmune conditions in genetically susceptible individuals”. Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA) has been confirmed in many studies and one study found the ratio for neurological damage was 67% of all cases.
With respect to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it was found that “children living in countries with the highest prevalence of ASD appear to have the greatest exposure to vaccine-based aluminium. Perhaps more importantly, the increase in exposure to aluminium adjuvants displayed a significant positive correlation with the increased prevalence of ASD in the USA recorded over the last 20 years (r = 0.92, p < 0.0001)”. It was also noted that the highest ASD prevalence occurred when the children were vaccinated at around three or four months old but included the observation that another influence must also play a roll or many more children would suffer from ASD.
The injection of aluminium salt adjuvants will cause an immune response involving white blood cells and inflammatory chemical messengers while causing various other chemical and pH imbalances. In the brain, it causes a dysfunction of the microglial cells that are responsible for maintenance and the clearing of dead cells from the neuronal network. The upregulation of immune response at a genetic level leads “to an exaggerated production of neurotoxic molecules that may exacerbate the pre-existing pathology and may even accelerate the progression of existing neuroinflammatory or neurodegenerative diseases”.
The review concludes by saying “a strong case can be made for avoiding unnecessary exposure to environmental sources of aluminium salts, especially on the part of children, pregnant mothers and women of child-bearing age who may become pregnant. Such avoidance need not lead to hardship or inconvenience; aluminium cookware may be replaced by safer alternatives, while aluminium-containing antiperspirants, potentially implicated in the rise of cases of breast cancer particularly affecting the upper outer quadrant of the mammary gland, may be replaced by non-aluminium versions. The use of aluminium salts in medical products is a more contentious issue. While antacids are available which do not contain aluminium salts, the avoidance of immunisations which do not contain aluminium salts as adjuvants has wider political and financial implications. It would seem prudent to try to find an alternative to aluminium adjuvants as soon as possible and phase out their use”(31).





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